Welcome to HouTian's blog. Yes, I'm a guy, and thanks for visited my blog. Meanwhile, I'm also a Forex Trader. So be prepared for lots of financial jargon here!


My Post


Thanks Bear

Template 100%: Atin Tory
Editor:HouTian Tan
Saturday, March 5, 2011 | 9:25 PM | 0 comments

Just reached home. Shall do my poly stuff tomorrow. In the mean time, below's the reply for my fellow tags.

Imbaboy: LOL. No money la. walao

Ben: hehe, I didn't stay there. Just go there shop shop. I bought a tian deng. btw, you got see the gold refinery? which chicken you talking about? hmm, this time round i dont have much time to tour around leh. everyday like very busy.

David Qiu: Yo man! whats up?

Kevin: kam sia. haha. eh, fujitsu ftw.

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